Use the Destiny Discover App (iOS)

Once you download and log in to the Destiny Discover app, you can start searching and reading.

Note: If you use an Android device, see Use the Destiny Discover App (Android).

To navigate the app, tap any of the following from the bottom of the screen: 

Browse for eBooks and Audiobooks

To browse your library's entire eBook and audiobook collection:

  1. From the bottom of any screen, tap Library.
  2. Use the toggle at the top of the screen to switch between eBooks and audiobooks.

Search for Resources

To search for eBooks, audiobooks and print books:

  1. From the bottom of any screen, tap Search.
  2. Type a search term.
  3. Do one of the following:

    If you want to...

    Filter to your search
    1. Tap Filter icon with no filters set., and then use any or all of the following filters:
      • Availability: Limit your search to only available or unlimited access titles.
      • Format: Narrow your search to a specific format, such as eBooks.
      • Search type: Select a type of search to perform (Keyword, Title, Author, Subject, or Series).
      • Sublocation: Narrow your search by sublocation. Sublocation is defined in a copy record and typically represents the genre or a physical location in the library where the book can be found.
    2. Tap Apply.
    Search without filtersTap Search.


  • Once you set filters, they are applied to future searches until you clear them. To do so, tap Filter icon with filters set. >  Clear Filters > Apply.
  • When you set filters, the icon changes from Filter icon with no filters Filter icon with filters set..

View Search Results

From search results, you can see the availability of most titles. Follett eBooks, Follett Audiobooks, Lightbox, and print titles show as IN, OUT, or Unlimited copies indicator. (unlimited copies).

To view a title's details, tap its cover, and then Title Details.

Identify Material Type

Identify a resource's material type at-a-glance with the material type indicators that appear on cover images:

Material Type



Follett eBook


Follett eBook icon.




eBook icon.


Follett Audiobook


Follett Audiobook icon.




Audiobook icon.




Lightbox icon.


Interactive multimedia


Interactive multimedia icon.


Book (print)


Book icon.

Check Out, Access, and Return Follett eBooks and Audiobooks

Once you find an available eBook or audiobook, you can start reading by tapping Read or Play in the search results or the title's details. However, to ensure you can access a title later, check it out.

To check out a Follett eBook or Audiobook:

Tap Checkout from the search results or the title's details. It automatically downloads to the device you are using.

To access an eBook on the same device you checked it out on:

Tap Downloads at the bottom of the screen, and then tap Read.

Note: If you have an internet connection, you can also access checked-out eBooks from the My Stuff screen.

To access a checked-out Follett eBook or Audiobook on another device:

Many titles can only be downloaded on one device at a time, so you might need to remove it from one device before you can access it on another.

To remove a downloaded title, tap Downloads at the bottom of the screen, and then tap Remove.

To access the title on the other device, go to the Downloads screen, and then tap Download now.

To return aFollett eBook or Audiobook:

eBooks are returned automatically on their due date. To return an eBook early, tap Library at the bottom of the screen, and then tap Return next to the appropriate title.


Place a Hold

You can place a hold on a print book, Follett eBook, or Follett Audiobook using the Destiny Discover app.

Note: Your school determines whether or not you are able to place and remove holds, if you can place a hold on a print book with available copies, and how many holds you can request.

To place a hold:

From search results or a title's details, tap Hold.

Search screen with Hold link highlighted.

To view your holds:

  1. Tap My Stuff.
  2. From the top of the screen, tap Holds.

From this screen you can see if a hold is ready or pending. If a Follett eBook or Audiobook is ready, a Checkout option appears.

My Stuff screen with Holds tab selected.

To remove a hold:

  1. Tap My Stuff.
  2. From the top of the screen, tap Holds.
  3. Next to the title you want to remove the hold from, tap UnHold.