Check out and return Follett eBooks and Audiobooks

To ensure you can access a title later, check it out.

To check out a title:

Note: You must be logged in, and there must be available copies, to check out an eBook or audiobook.

  • From Destiny Discover search results, clickMore Options icon. next to the title, and then Checkout.

  • From Destiny Discover, Title Preview, or a title's details, click Checkout.
  • From an open eBook or audiobook, in the top toolbar, select Book Options icon. > Checkout.

    Note: The option to check out from an open eBook or audiobook is not available in the Destiny Discover app.

Checked-out titles are automatically returned at the end of the loan period.

To return a title and make it available to others before the due date, do one of the following:

Destiny Discover version


Destiny Discover accessed via a browser

  • From any page in Destiny Discover:
    1. In the header, select My Stuff > Checkouts.

    2. Select More Options icon. > Return.
  • From an open eBook or audiobook, in the header, select Book Options icon. > Return Book.

Destiny Discover app

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap My Stuff > Checkouts.
  2. Tap More Options icon. > Return.