Listen to a Follett Audiobook

Follett Audiobooks feature simple navigation, and you can adjust playback options based on your reading preferences. Also, change the audio speed, create bookmarks, and set a sleep timer.

Navigate an audiobook

Use the playback controls to navigate your audiobook. The controls are slightly different depending on how you accessed the book.

Destiny Discover accessed via the browser

Audiobook controls.

Destiny Discover app

Audiobook controls.

To go to a specific chapter, click Table of Contents icon. or Menu icon. (depending on how you accessed the audiobook), and then select the desired chapter from the Table of Contents.

To change the audio speed:

From the browser version of Destiny Discover  From the Destiny Discover app
  1. In the top-right corner of the page, click Audio speed icon..
  2. To speed up or slow down the audio, move the slider in the appropriate direction. You can slow down the playback to 0.5 times or increase it by two or three times.

    Note: To return the audio speed to the default level, select 1x.

  1. Above the progress bar, tap .
  2. Select a speed: Slower, Normal, Faster, or Fastest.

    Note: To return the audio speed to the default level, select Normal.

To create a bookmark:

From the browser version of Destiny Discover

From the Destiny Discover app 
  1. In the top-right corner of the page, click Bookmark icon..
  2. Click Add Bookmark. Your current place in the audiobook is saved.
  1. Above the progress bar, tap Bookmark icon..
  2. Tap +. Your current place in the audiobook is saved.
  3. Tap Done to return to your book.

To set a sleep timer:

From the browser version of Destiny Discover

From the Destiny Discover app 
  1. In the top-right corner of the page, click Sleep timer icon..
  2. To select when you want your audiobook to stop playing, move the slider to 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, or End of the current chapter.

    Note: Audiobooks automatically close after 15 minutes of inactivity.

  1. Above the progress bar, tap Sleep timer icon..
  2. To choose when you want your audiobook to stop playing, select 5 Minutes, 15 Minutes, or 30 Minutes.