Set up review preferences

Complete the following steps to ensure settings related to submitting reviews are appropriate for your school.


  • Reviews appear in a title's details across the district.
  • Destiny Administrator or district user can push settings to any or all schools in your district.

  1. Go to Discover Admin.
  2. Click Access Levels.
    Patron Review settings options.
  3. In the Patron Review Settings section, select or deselect the following options:

    Allow add review – rating and description

    Select to let patrons rate titles (1–5 star rating scale), and optionally include up to 2,000 characters of text.

    Allow add review – rating and digital upload files

    Select to enable the Digital Review Title and Digital Review URL fields. Patrons can add a clickable link to their review.

    Do not require approval for reviews

    If this option is selected, a review appears in the Reviews section of a title's details as soon as a patron submits it. If it is deselected, reviews will not appear until approved by library staff.

    Identify Reviewer using

    Use this drop-down to choose how to identify reviewers to other users in the Reviews section of a title's details.


    • A reviewer's first and last name appear on the Approve Reviews page when a review is pending approval.
    • If you allow users to search for resources across the district, all reviews will display with the setting you select, regardless of the setting selected at the school where the review was created.
  4. Click Save.